Study Groups

Our free 12-week study groups are open to residents of Northern California.

Right now, we are holding all of our meetings on Zoom.

Study Group #28 will meet online from 6:00-7:30 on Thursdays from September 29 – December 22 (we will skip Thanksgiving). 

Sign up here.

For information about future study groups email

Study groups are an opportunity for us to look deeply and personally at the forces that shape us and our societies. By examining how we have internalized that which we are working to change, we can work with awareness as we build more inclusive systems.

In twelve study group sessions we explore:

  • Cooperation Humboldt structure and goals
  • Capitalism and the Framework of a Solidarity Economy
  • Systems Thinking
  • White Supremacy and Racial Equity
  • Deconstructing Patriarchy from Within
  • Colonialism and Community
  • Ecological Crisis and Disaster Preparedness
  • The Ecology of Group Dynamics and collaborative decision making

Each section of study is built on the intersecting frameworks of Personal, Interpersonal, Institutional, Structural. That boils down to: What is the situation? How am I involved? How can I engage differently? And how am I interacting with the bigger picture? This multi-dimensional approach unites our theoretical understanding of social justice with our grassroots work and our personal relationships.

Our study groups are presented in a “flipped-classroom” format, with relevant and engaging coursework preceding each meeting. Meetings will focus on participants’ lived experience, while the coursework will focus on concepts and analysis.

We discuss essays, papers, zines, podcasts, and videos to gain a better understanding of how Cooperation Humboldt sees a path to make the world a better place with your help. It’s meant to be fun and to stretch your perspective on a variety of topics. We would love to have you join an upcoming group to pursue this path of study.

Questions? Email us at:

Study Group Curriculum

Please enjoy these selections from our Study Group Curriculum: