The Cooperative Agriculture Network (CAN) is a cooperative think-tank of farmers and experts that help form or join cooperatives in cannabis.
Register for our CAN Academy. We offer this 8-week program for free and it starts February 9.
What co-ops can do for you
Democratizing our businesses by developing a co-op sector within the cannabis industry will lead to long-term business viability and ecological sustainability for many of the small independent farms and build on the values established by our predecessors.
Issues such as terroir and appellation can be addressed and solved together with this newfound federated power of regional cooperatives. See the full schedule here.
The CAN Academy is the first of its kind to help form and operate producers’ cooperatives, taught by the most experienced in the field. We’ve been working on this project for over 2 years now. Join us!
CAN Academy
The co-op academy is an 8-week online training program with advisors in legal technical assistance, budgeting, accounting, cooperative development, group facilitation and business development for farmers to support forming or joining a cooperative. Hosted on zoom by the Cooperative Agriculture Network whose members are local farmers, experts and co-op developers.
Classes take place on Zoom each Thursday from 1:30-3pm, Feb 9th through March 30th. Participants will gain foundational skills in:
● cooperative organizational structures
● facilitation
● group-decision making
● business plan development
● bylaws development
Technical Assistance
We bring together the most expert minds on co-ops in the cannabis space to provide you with individualized support and mentorship.CAN research
From August 6 to September 12, 2021 we conducted a survey to cannabis cultivators on the North Coast of California. A significant 82 responses from cannabis operators came in, allowing for robust data to analyze. Compiled by the Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social Policy (CASP) a federal 501c3 education nonprofit, the survey findings represent the first phase of a research project studying the efforts of Cooperation Humboldt to understand what services would be of value to cannabis farmers.
In Phase 2 28 willing participants were contacted for follow-up discussions. What comes out of this study is that cannabis on the North Coast is about much more than just farming an agricultural product, it’s also a way of life: sharing genetics and resources, participating in the community and growing food and vegetables along with cannabis. The research shows that this is an essential factor for success.