Want to work with us? We’d love to have you!
Current Job Opportunities:
No current openings during our strategic hiatus.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
No current openings with Cooperation Humboldt during our strategic hiatus.
Community Garden Volunteers – Centro del Pueblo’s Jardín Santuario – Arcata’s Sanctuary Garden on the corner of 11th and F Streets – is seeking volunteers to help maintain and harvest the garden. Learn more and contact Centro’s leaders at Volunteer with Centro del Pueblo.
Please note that December has been designated as a time of dormancy for Jardín Santuario – to allow the workers and the land to rest and rejuvenate. Regular volunteer days are canceled for this month and will resume in each new year.
Sign Up as a Volunteer:
This sign-up for will add you to our email list to keep you informed about happenings at Cooperation Humboldt and within the wider community, and will tag you in our records as a volunteer prospect. If you are specifically interested in one of the volunteer tasks listed above, we encourage you to just show up or email the contact person directly to get started right away.