Does everyone need a washing machine in their home? Folks who don’t have one must spend a good deal of time down at the laundromat. Why should someone who has a washer and dryer set at home be making money off those folks who can’t afford such a luxury. What if the washers were the owners?
This is an imagining of The Land Office a project of the Imaginal Services Bureaux which is in turn a project of Cooperation Humboldt. We are imagining the most just use of property for sale in Humboldt County. This is a work of art. You can read our Principles or just read on…
There’s a lot going on with this property — and we mean A LOT. But we’re here to break it down for you. This property is priced at over $1,500,000. You read that right over one and a half million dollars. Now this is crucial. You need to imagine you have that much money to invest. But imagine this… you are not alone. Imagine all your neighbors get together to run the laundromat you all use. Now you’re thinking…

Welcome to Washingtown D.C.
This parcel has three separate businesses. First — the laundromat. Renamed Washingtown D.C., the D.C. stands for Democratic Collective. This Cooperative is made up of the folks who regularly do their laundry here.
After one of the D.C. members sees you coming in regularly, you get invited to work for a couple of hours a week in exchange for a growing amount of ownership. How many can we handle in this Collective? 100? 500? All the neighbors. Let’s find out.

Tamales and so much more…
Next — La Pasadita. This market has been here awhile, serving the Lantinx community in downtown Eureka with authentic ingredients and a community atmosphere. Frankly, we want to work with the folks who run this market to see how we can support each other.
Have you been by the market? Why do you go there or why haven’t you?

What could be better than coffee?
It’s time for a honest conversation about coffee. We know people love it. That’s because it is addictive. For now we are going to leave the coffee in place, but also offer a juice and smoothy option. One thing we can all agree on is that the corporate beast that holds this location will be gone as soon as their lease is up.
Of course, we envision a future where internal combustion engine automobiles are relics of the past with only occasional electric vehicles driving through. We see the bicycle traffic here increasing steadily as we transition to a just, green world…
We know that’s a lot, but there is a lot to think about. Over 50,000 people pass by this location sandwiched between the two one way streets that make up the highway every month. Whether folks are coming or going they will see the signs of the future — democracy, community, and a healthy transition.
Extended material and more perks are available for Patrons. Please contact us to start a conversation about how you can support The Land Office of the Imaginal Services Bureaux.
Here are some links to the background material:
Assessor’s Map for 001-226-004-000:
Who wants to make this place a center of your neighborhood circle?
Previously was 8028 Centerville Road in Ferndale, California.