Overview of Program Areas & Projects
- Little Free Pantries
- Food Not Lawns (Fruit Trees & Lawn Conversions)
- Edible Garden Tour (and other educational projects)
- Public Banking
- Worker owned cooperatives
- DevLabs/Movement Strategy Center
- Eco Village
- Artists Live/Work/Gallery Space
- Student Housing Cooperative
- Participatory Budgeting
- Health care
- Child care
- Elder care
- Self care
- Artists Dismantling Capitalism
- Pedagogy Theater of the Oppressed Humboldt
- Humboldt Artists Guild
- Internal (for core team)
- Study groups
- Workshops
- External (for supporters and the public)
- Conferences/Workshops
- Media Library
- Direct actions and civic engagement
Community Partnerships
- Community Benefits Agreement
- Asylum Seeker Hosting Hub
- Wardrobe of Joy
- Queer Safe Space
- Greenhouse (RCAA)