The Cooperative Cannabis Academy brings experts in legal technical assistance, budgeting, accounting, cooperative development, group facilitation and business development for farmers to support their journey from conceptualizing a cooperative to forming or joining one.

Democratizing our businesses by developing a co-op sector within the cannabis industry will lead to long-term business viability and ecological sustainability for many of the small independent farms and build on the values established by our predecessors.

Issues such as terroir and appellation can be addressed and solved together with this newfound federated power of regional cooperatives. 

The CAN Academy is the first of its kind to help form and operate producers’ cooperatives, taught by the most experienced in the field. We’ve been working on this project for over 2 years now. Join us!


February 9
1:30pm to 3pm
What are co-ops?

February 16
1:30pm to 3pm
Cooperation at Work

February 23
1:30pm to 3pm
Governance and Legal Structure

March 2
1:30pm to 3pm
Getting Shit Done as a Group

March 9
1:30pm to 3pm
Culture and Management

March 16
1:30pm to 3pm
Business Model Canvas Part 1

March 23
1:30pm to 3pm
Business Model Canvas Part 2

March 30
1:30pm to 3pm
Review and Next Steps

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